Using Construction Estimating Software to Increase Profits

The construction industry can be lucrative, but only if you play the cards right. We all know that the sector is a numbers game. Though you have excellent building skills, it doesn't mean you'll succeed. What matters is how you quote, manage, and complete a project. 

With SME building firms, profits are received after the job is finished. Therefore, you need to ensure accurate pricing when quoting a job. Fail this; you'll quickly eat away at your profits and maybe even fall into the negative. 

Because of this, we urge all businesses in the sector to use construction estimating software. Utilising its tools is one of the best ways to improve your bottom line. Here's why: 

How can construction estimating software help you? 

In the UK, construction businesses are in a rough spot. With building materials increasing significantly in price since the pandemic and inflation passing 10%, remaining profitable is becoming difficult. 

One way you can keep profitable is by using construction estimating software. Increasing profits this way is simple, as using the right software can provide the following benefits: 

  • More precise quoting - labour, subcontractors, equipment, latest material costs, the right inflation rates.

  • Improved efficiency - Saving you time and money, estimate jobs faster, and, most importantly, quote for more projects.

  • Improved project management - Helps to track and manage the project and as things slip (which they will) the changes are cascaded through the build programme.

Integrating this type of software into a construction business is a game changer. By obtaining the above benefits, those in the sector can increase profits without putting in more work. 

With construction estimating software, there is a limited number of players in the market. One that stands out is EstimatorXpress. The software tool has been in the game for 20 years and offers the most prestigious features for estimating software. 

Benefits of construction estimating software 

Knowing the key features is essential if you're interested in onboarding this type of software. Here are just some of the benefits. 

  • Estimate generation: Create accurate and professional proposals based on labour, plant and material costs.

  • Pre-built templates: Use pre-made standard job templates – such as extensions, garages and new builds – to speed up the process.

  • Visual assemblies: On-screen visual representations guide you effortlessly through the estimate.

  • Cost database: Out of the box you get trade-specific databases of labour, material, and other pricing details so there’s no lengthy set up - plus you can then tweak or set up your own.

  • Historical record: Keep all past estimates on file within EstimatorXpress. Analyse them individually and collectively.

Choosing the right construction estimating software for you 

After reading the above, you should have a broader understanding of how construction estimating software can help. Now, the next task is finding the right tool for your company. 

Ideally, you want something easily integrable, simple to use, and has all the features you require. You’ll find all you want and more from EstimatorXpress

From the interface to the pricing precision, this is a platform that is made for the residential construction industry. For more information, call 0117 916 7898 or book a short online demonstration


